Our Product

Elastic Wrap

The breathable, soft and elastic wrap provides a comfortable compression

Sterile Pad

The sanitised and non-adhesive sterile pad prevents hemorrhage wounds from infection

Easy Application

The hook-and-loop fastener can be applied to any part of the bandage

Why Medic Strapping Pads ™

The Medic Strapping Pads are widely distributed across Malaysia, used by both Government and Private hospitals, the Fire & Rescue Department, the Police Department and many more. The Medic Strapping Pad consolidates multiple usage to stop life-threatening bleeding.


About 2 million people die from hemorrhaging worldwide and as many as 1.5 million of them are the result of physical trauma.

We aim to reduce those staggering numbers with the introduction of Medic Strapping Pad.

The Medic Strapping Pad can be applied to the head, body, arms and legs with traumatic bleedings to stop any external bleeding.

It is also ideal to be made available to the general public through first-aid kits along with other emergency equipment.